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Why We Don’t “Cross Things Over” and Why We’re Doing Larger Locations
I get this question constantly so I thought I’d write a little blog about it to outline our theory on “crossing spirits over.” At the end of the blog, I also address why we’ve started to visit locations that aren’t family homes this season of Kindred Spirits.
Let me preface this by saying that I will never speak in absolutes. Everything I put here is theory and it comes from ideas, experiences and evidence we’ve had over years of investigating. I always urge people to do or believe what feels right to them. This is just me, outlining how I personally feel and choose to do things as a paranormal researcher.
I admit, I have sat in investigations and watched people who I deeply respect and still investigate with claim to “cross spirits over” or “send them into the light.” And I believed it – until I was called back to those same locations repeatedly. Sometimes years later, with that same ghost still there, still very much wanting attention and causing activity.
It was then that I realized that the idea of just sending these spirits off without listening to them was actually a little dismissive. Why did I feel like I somehow had the right or the power to decide when these spirits needed to move on?
If we aren’t even sure what happens when we die, if we aren’t even sure what ghosts are – why are we SO sure that spirits need crossing over? Are we projecting our own fear of being stuck somewhere as a ghost on these spirits and in the process not listening to what they actually have to say?
When Adam and I came up with the idea for Kindred Spirits we wanted to started telling the story of every spirit we encountered. We wanted to figure out who they were/are, and most importantly, WHY they would still be here. And most every single time, we’ve found a reason.
It’s an incredible amount of work. It involves a huge amount of research, interviews and in depth investigations over multiple nights. Sometimes we spend days chasing the wrong lead and have to start back at the drawing board. But in the end, if we can figure out why that spirit is still here, we can begin to address fixing their issue or delivering their message. Many times, once their issue is addressed, the activity decreases significantly or stops altogether. Or, once their issue is realized, the living around them can begin working with them to help. Some of us have deep-seated psychological issues or guilt complexes, etc – I don’t think these feelings disappear when we pass.
This is also why Adam and I chose to start visiting locations that weren’t just homes this season of Kindred Spirits. Kindred Spirits was born because of the huge amount of guilt we felt personally when we once left Waverly Hills years ago and felt as though a group of spirits there were still desperate to talk to us. Even so, we initially chose to focus on homes and help families, but more and more, people were asking us to help the ghosts of these larger locations…the spirits still roaming, with no one listening to them. Spirits who could have family alive today who have no idea their relative is still here in some fashion. They’re no less deserving of our help.
In conclusion, what I’m saying is that with a little work, a little time and a whole lot of compassion, we can stop viewing spirits as helpless individuals floating in the night and start seeing them for what I strongly believe them to be – PEOPLE like you and me, who just aren’t ready to leave yet. People with free will, who can choose to accept your help or not. Talk to them like you would want to be spoken to. Talk to them for real and most importantly, listen to what they have to say.
Thanks so much to everyone who has watched us on this journey. Season three of Kindred was epic and an absolute joy to bring to the screen. We’ll be back out on the road soon working on more episodes. In the meantime, you can watch past episodes on the Travel Channel web site.
If you’d like to meet me, I’m doing a number of appearances and talks over the next few months, (including some great trips with my company Strange Escapes), so check out my appearances page to see if I’ll be nearby.
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